Sunday, May 25, 2008

over the water beauty:chapter 2

"she told everybody"i said to evan [him] as we ate dinner[he took me out] i was frowning at my green lasgania.  he came over to my side of the booth and started stroking my hair. ''sometimes it doesn't work out''he said''you have to get over it'' .  we paid and got into his car.   he started the engine but didn't drive . i looked at him he looked at me. he looked troubled.  ''what's wrong?''i asked.   he said it was nothing.  ''i love you and i want to know'' i said, he paused and said'' my mom died''he said.  just then i remembered he had been on the phone before we left. ''god, i'm so sorry'' i said. i kissed  him.

1 comment:

kirsten said...

whoa. this is getting serious!