Saturday, February 9, 2008

Over the water beauty: Chapter 1

One warm summer evening I walked over to the bay. I saw my crush, he walked over to me, I blushed very red, as red as an eraser. The sun started to set. Me and him sat together watching the sun set over the water. It was beautiful. It was magic. Pure magic. Suddenly he pulled me really close, and kissed me! I had waited years for that. One moment I though I was dreaming, it was as magical as the sunset.I got up, he got up too and said, "I'll walk you home". I said, "OK" in my 'I think I'm dreaming' voice.
The next morning was Monday. He showed up and put his arm around me and walked me to school. When it came time for me to go, he kissed me on the cheek and bade me goodbye.

When I got to homeroom I told my best friend Hannah about what happened. The words that came out were "y-you d-did tha...?" then the words trailed off and her jaw dropped.

my love is...

my love is growing like a tree
my love is blooming like a flower
my love burns like an eternal flame
and I would do anything for you

my love bursts like a pimple
my love grows like a wart
and even if you were with somebody else
I would still love you.
That's what my love is.